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lifelong learners to light the way

programs & events

Bases de datos, libros digitales en español y revistas

book clubs

We work to keep a  our young readers up to date on award-winning books and those that are trending globally, and that you have  new spaces where they discuss and share around to their readings and findings.

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let's work smart

In Library sessions, we guide students to make the most of the physical and electronic resources that the School makes available to them to carry out their research efficiently and safely.

Some of the subjects are: 


. Differences between search and research

. Evaluating the sources /  Using Top Level Domains

. How to choose relevant Keywords 

. How to be more agile and efficient using EBSCO 

. How to get the most out of Destiny Discover 

. How the  Dewey System works

. Behaviors that support academic integrity and Behaviors that undermine it. 

. How to identify primary and secondary sources

. How to benefit from information from different sources and formats.


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library sessions
read & do

In Coalba LMC (Library & Media Center) sessions, we promote recreational and informative reading from different perspectives. The activities vary according to the needs of the groups (PK-4th grade) and we always try to connect to the Units of Inquiry in a playful way.


read aloud  sessions
picnic & Book

With the participation of the community, we are working to make reading aloud a very special occasion to gather and share.



We facilitate spaces for interaction and exchange of knowledge with librarians in the region, while connecting with other libraries in the country to continue enriching the collections for the  benefit of our users of all ages.



In each interactive exhibition, students are able to see the chosen subject from different perspectives.

We have multimedia content and hands-on activities.


SUMMER reading

We promote reading during vacations. Our students always have an interesting eBook available.


book bazaar

We make it easy for readers of all genres to come together to exchange their second hand books and literary experiences.

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volunteer program
 friends of the library

Members of our community, linked to the educational project of the school, have the opportunity to participate as volunteers in outdoor reading-aloud activities. To receive more information  please send an email to

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